Friday, July 30, 2010

Kazakhstan Bound

Well we are off...we hope.  Been a crazy couple of days.  We can't wait for everyone to meet the newest Brogdon.  We are excited about what God is up to, we will be meeting our next child in just a few days.  Pray that we make all of our flights.

Stay tuned for Bible Studies from KAZ...

World Changers Chattanooga

World Changers was a huge success!  I am so proud of all our students and leaders who shared Jesus without fear and worked hard with amazing attitudes!  God is so good, I saw tremendous growth in everyone who participated and watched as God did some amazing things.   I am already looking forward to WC 2011 Birmingham and Poland!

Thanks to our AWESOME Summer and Project Staff, you guys rock'd out Chattanooga!

Friday, July 9, 2010

IWC Romania

WOW!  It has been a crazy month...I feel like I have been on a roller-coaster from mission trip to mission trip to all the craziness of our adoption.  With everything going on finding time to write has been in short supply.  So, here is a single post recap of the last several weeks.
Romania was an amazing trip and we had the opportunity to see God at work in great and mighty ways.  Our trip got off to a rocky start with our flight from Atlanta to Frankfurt was delayed by about 3 hours this delay caused us to miss our connection to Bucharest.  God showed up and we all were able to get on the same flight just a couple of hours later.  We finally made it to Braila and the Home of Hope orphanage around midnight.
Sunday was a great day, we got to attend church in Braila and I had the opportunity to speak to the congregation and give greetings from the team sharing what our mission for the week would be.  Later that day we met our crew for the week and had a time of crew planning.  We had dinner on the Danube, what would be the only touristy thing we did in Braila.
Monday it was off to the villages for our first day of work.  Three different crews, three different missions...One crew - mission - install flooring in two churches; next crew mission - two children’s camps and a youth camp a day; my crew’s mission -   in home visits with evangelism a children’s and youth camp.
It was incredible to be in the Roma villages and meet the people who live there.  We discovered a welcoming people who were excited and open to hearing what God was doing in our lives and how His power changes lives.  We all instantly fell in love with the warm and affectionate Roma people.  It was awesome to see God move and work in not only the lives of the people we were there to minister to but in each of our lives also.
As we have returned stateside we all have thought about the biggest thing God taught us during the week.  For me God reminded me about love and how I need to love more.  More specifically God reminded me I need to love other Christians more because we are all on the same journey just some are in different places along the road.  I have always found it easy to love the lost but sometimes my patience falls flat when I deal with other Christians.  Thank You God for teaching me how to love others again.
Romania will always hold a special place in my heart.  Thanks Bob and Gail our missionaries for sharing your passion for the Roma.  Thanks Robert, Vasilica and Victor for being my voice and teaching me a little Romanian.